Operational Excellence Blog | EON Platform

From Methods to Management: Our Perspective on the Future of OpEx

Written by EON Team | June 11, 2021

Our team recently participated in the OpEx Week Business Transformation Summit held in Orlando, Florida.  The event provided a great opportunity to connect with OpEx Leaders and Practitioners around the issues and topics that they care about most. 

We were also excited to host one of the learning tracks titled "OpEx 2.0: Leveraging  Technology and Tools to Scale and Sustain Results." This track included three great case studies, two of which were delivered by current clients National Oilwell Varco (NOV) and Milk Specialties Global (MSG), and the other by a global company that's doing some really great work through their Rapid Continuous Improvement program, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group.


In reflecting on our experience at the conference, what became clear to me is that, while there appears to be an overall trend in favor of investment in OpEx (which is a great thing), many OpEx Leaders and Practitioners still struggle to achieve leadership buy-in and drive sustainable impact.  And in our view the only way to meet these challenges "head-on" is to get more strategic and disciplined in managing how OpEx is perceived and practiced in the organization.

The video below, which contains excerpts from my interview with Andrea Charles from PEX Network, delves further into the topic of strategic OpEx management, including how our EON platform is helping companies like NOV, MSG, and many others to increase buy-in and drive sustainable impact.


As mentioned , it was the recognition that, in order for OpEx to exist as a core capability of the organization, the strategic management of it through the OpEx function must be nearly flawless that led us to develop EON.  It also led us to create our "Essential OpEx" assessment, which was specifically designed to help OpEx Leaders and Practitioners identify opportunities to improve the manner in which the Opex function is managed.  This assessment contains 12 unique elements across 3 workflows and comes embedded with more than 50 unique assessment criteria and dozens of valuable tools, templates, and other resources.

If you're looking to improve the way that OpEx is managed in your organization, the Program Implementation best practices assessment is a great place to start.